Ambassador Prop Shop


Ambassador Training Presentation
View a deck filled with Workplace Giving Campaign basics. 

Workplace Campaign Checklist
A checklist to easily plan your Workplace Giving Campaign from start to finish.

Workplace Giving Setup
Get  set up for online pledging. We can also set up a site for your campaign special events. Contact your Campaign Coordinator for more information. 

Contact List
Use this sheet to find phone numbers and email addresses of UPAF staff and Campaign Coordinators.



Email Templates
This email series can be sent to employees at your workplace to kickoff your campaign, get people excited about the campaign and what UPAF does and then conclude the campaign. 

Campaign Activities & Enhancement Ideas
Use these to brainstorm fun activities for your campaign. 

Performance Guide
Use this resource to select UPAF Member or Affiliate performers or speakers to engage your employees during your campaign.

Performance Request Form - In Person
Performance Request Form - Virtual
Complete and submit either the virtual or in-person request form to your Campaign Coordinator to schedule your Workplace Giving performer.

Brochures & Posters
View, share or print the UPAF brochure, poster and other information. 

UPAF Fast Facts
Find answers to questions that your colleagues may ask about UPAF and the performing arts.

Workplace Campaign Video Assets
Enhance your campaign with inspiring performances, testimonials and more

In-Kind Form
You may give this optional form to companies or individuals who donate items, services or experiences to be used as prizes and incentives during your workplace giving campaign. 



Envelope Checklist
