The UPAF Cabinet is an alliance of community leaders dedicated to advancing the performing arts in Southeastern Wisconsin. Members serve as ambassadors and volunteer solicitors for UPAF, leveraging their networks and expertise to encourage philanthropic support from individuals and organizations, standing united in their belief of the inherent value of the performing arts.
By joining the UPAF Cabinet, you help ensure the sustainability of our local world-class performing arts organizations. Together with like-minded professionals, business leaders, and arts enthusiasts, your participation strengthens the UPAF mission to provide critical funds that allow our performing arts institutions to focus more on what they do best — creating, performing, educating and inspiring.
Interested in joining? Contact Development Director, Sarah Giovannetti.
2025 Campaign Co-Chairs

Tim Mattke
Peggy Williams-Smith
President & CEO, Visit Milwaukee
2025 UPAF Cabinet
Tessa Bartels
Jane Bell
Brooke Billick
Derin Bjugstad
Mike Burzynski
Sam Cichanowicz
Amanda Collins
Julieane Cook
Carolyn Culea
Jim Culea
Heidi Dondlinger
Julie Doneis
Amy Dorman
Dana Dossett
Linda Edelstein
Melissa Elsmo
Suzan Fete
Jessica Franken
Tim Frautschi
Maria Fuller
Shannon Gehringer
Daniel Grambow
Kirk Gramoll
Reed Groethe
Tameka Haynes
Brent Hazelton
William Helmers
Christel Henke
Louise Hermsen
Pat Horne
Megan Huse
Tom Irgens
Cathy Jakicic
Val Johnson
Laura Kapp
Alyce Katayama
John Kissinger
Chip Kubly
Libby Lailer
Randy Lindert
Will Loder
Kris Lueders
Sue Lueger
James Madlom
Maureen McCabe
Monica Meyer Beale
Elizabeth Meyer
Jennifer Moran
Carole Nicksin
Maggey Oplinger
Rebecca Owen
Tai Pauls
Leah Peavler
Adam Peck
Christine Peters
Daniel Petry
Joe Pieper
Bunny Raasch-Hooten
Michael Rampolla
Lisa Rasmussen
Fran Richman
Marianne Robbins
Chuck Rozewicz
Andy Sajdak
Maggie Seer
Kai Simone
Lois Smith
Anne Sprecher
Chad Tessmer
Tawnie Thompson
Brian Tobiczyk
Marta Troicki
Andrew Varela
Les Weil
Cathy Wille