We are joining forces with the our 14 Member organizations to raise an additional $3 million for the arts in the final weeks of the 2024 UPAF Campaign, which runs through Aug. 31.

Southeastern Wisconsin’s performing arts sector is vibrant and diverse because it is home to a broad range of organizations of all sizes and focuses. While each organization has something different to offer, they are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. A strong arts community starts with strong arts groups, and our community embraces and celebrates collaboration amongst those organizations.

UPAF funding is truly the backbone of the operations of each Member organization, filling a gap that ticket sales alone cannot cover. And because Wisconsin ranks 50th out of all 50 states for government support of the arts while performing arts groups are also continuing to recover from forced closures and experiencing rising costs. UPAF funding is critical to the work that all Members do.

The countdown is one to the end of the 2024 UPAF Campaign. Be a hero for the arts by giving to UPAF today and give before Aug. 31. It’s more than a donation, it’s an investment in your home, your neighborhood, your business and your future.



With a gift to UPAF of $150 or more, you receive the UPAF SMART CARD, presented by Associated Bank, which gives you one “buy one get one free” ticket offer at each of the 14 Members as well as discounts at many of our area’s popular restaurants! Click here to learn about the other benefits you'll receive with a donation to UPAF.